Walk Sunday 2 December 2018 Sierra Manar

This week we went walking in the Sierra Manar, the range of hills behind Dilar. The walk had been postponed from a few weeks back when it was raining every day, it’s not a walk to do when the ground is wet and muddy. The weather forecast for this Sunday was for sunshine and temperatures of 21 degrees, perfect walking conditions. The walk starts from the Ermita Nueva and heads up a gentle slope through Olive trees. After 1 km the path follows the tree line on what at first looks like a level track. It soon becomes apparent that it’s not level at all, but a series of switchbacks with steep ups and downs. There were only 9 in the group, and we all walked together, chatting and enjoying the warm sunshine. Nobody thought to check that we all turned onto a path into the forest. It was only when we emerged on the other side we noticed our group had dropped to 7, Elsa and Martine were missing. At first, we weren't worried, we thought they would so...