Re Mortgage
Thanks for the reports on recent activities of the Limpers however along with we many of the UK residents we are very concerned regarding the proposal for increase in fees as this will hit those of us on fixed income particularly hard, may even have to think re-mortgage As you are aware we are unable to attend so please record our apologies. We would like to recommend that the chairman, social secretary, walk organiser and publicity secretary are all re-elected after d oing such a magnificent job over the last year. Can we also propose the same varied programme of walks that we have recently enjoyed catering both members with energy & stamina of mountain goats and the less agile with dickey knees and broken toes. This article submitted by Big John Limper's Limpets Limps Limper Limbers Edit... Ignore all Add to dictionary proposal proposals props propel propels Edit... Revert to "propsal" apologies apologise apologias apologize apologises Edit... Revert to "apola...