26 October 2014 Rio Chillar

Hi This week we went on a new route for the group, we continued with our theme of great childhood adventures by going on another river walk. We even ventured outside Granada Province. We had had an early 8.30 start from Beznar, and with a group of 27 we set off for the drive to Nerja where we met up with 4 more. Goodness knows how many cars there were, but it looked like a presidential motorcade sweeping into town. We should have had police motorcycle outriders with us. We were heading for the Rio Chillar for an incredible walk which we discovered last year. At only 15 km in length it’s not going to be classed as one of the great rivers in Spain, but it must be one of the most spectacular. The walk starts by following a wide river bed with what remains of the river meandering about on it’s final couple of kms down to the sea. Some in the group tried to keep their feet dry by carefully crossing the river, numerous times. It was a pointless exercise, everyone ...