23 November 2014 Autumn colours in Huétor

Hi We have been having some very strange weather this week with the temperatures up to 25C, and the wind on Saturday made you reluctant to go out doors. The strange thing was it appeared to be coming from all four directions at once, and it was warm. An Englishman died in Nigúelas when a roof tile fell on him, and a number of people have reported damaged roofs. Our walk was in the Húetor Natural park and we were going to look at the autumn colours. I was afraid that with all the wind not only would there be no leaves on the trees but the trees would have gone as well. The walk started from car park at junction 259, and followed a high level track as it wandered about high above the Rio Darro. After about 3 km we dropped down into the valley and then followed the river, cris crossing the Darro a number of times. Fortunately at this point it is only a narrow stream, so I don’t think we had any wet feet this time. We did have a few muddy knees when we came to a...