Walk 24 May 2015 Cumbres Verde

Hi The weather in the valley this week has been mixed, warm and sunny one day, and the next wet, cloudy and cool. trying to get an accurate weather forecast is impossible, you get a different forecast every couple of hours, My crystal ball works better than the latest meteorological computers. The forecast for Sunday was not promising, with rain and low cloud on offer. Sunday morning dawned dull but dry, and it looked like our walk from Cumbres Verde would be OK. By the time we arrived for the start of the walk the low cloud had lifted sufficiently for our path to be in the clear. We were only going up to 1,400 metres and there was a lower level alternative route as a backup plan For the first ½ km we followed the forest road before heading off down into the barranco. This was a new path we had discovered last year, and it makes an interesting alternative route for climbing Cerro Gordo. I thought I might have pushed my luck a bit when it started to spit, fearing a soaki...