
Showing posts from June, 2015

21st June 2015 Dilar

Our walk this Sunday, the 21st June, was from Dilar. Due to sickness and other excuses our numbers this week were sadly depleted. Rene went home before we even got to Dilar, declaring it was too hot to walk. The walk started from the carpark next to the river which we followed for 1 km. Just before the Hydro station there is a small path that heads steeply uphill to Boca de la Pesca. This path always causes me problems and I arrive at the top utterly exhausted. So, like a true leader, I decided to direct operations from the rear and let the whippets Mike and Ray race on in front. I followed on behind at a snail's pace, stopping every 100 metres to recover my composure.  At the top of the climb we stopped for a short break to let the old man recover and then continued on till we picked up a path heading down hill and back towards Dilar. We had to make a small deviation from our intended route when we discovered a new house had been built on the road we were on. I say h...

Walk 14 June 2015 Albuñuelas

Our walk this Sunday, the 14th June, was from Albuñuelas, we had arranged to meet in the carpark and then we had a short drive up on to the ridge. The temperature had been falling for the previous few days and there was a chill in the air, only the brave or foolhardy were tempted to wear shorts and T-shirts, the rest preferring thermals. There was an ominous bank of cloud in the distance which I was hoping would not blow over our way and bring with it the possibility of rain. We set off in the direction of the windmills, the walk was virtually all on campo tracks which makes for good easy walking. After 6 kms there is a gate across the road which necessitates a small diversion through a field. I don’t know why this brought a few questions about getting lost again, this was a known deviation and was part of the original itinerary. The walk continued, now heading downhill to a large sink hole, where a whole field had sunk by about 3 metres. We took our lives in our hands ...

Walk 31 May 2015 Pico Caballo

I apologise for the missing walk report last week, but the Mrs and I were dashing off to Madrid for a short break. We had a good time and I would recommend it to anyone who hasn’t been yet, there must be others who have lived here for 12 years and never been.  Our really, really big walk to Caballo on the 31st of May was a new walk for the Sunday group. It’s a walk we have done many times midweek but we have never had sufficient 4X4s to be able to do it on a Sunday.  This month we were fortunate enough to to find  5 people willing to supply cars, so a big thank you for that, as it enabled us to take a group of 23 up to the summit.  We had planned an early 8.30 start from the carpark in Niguelas as we had to drive up the mountain to reach the start of the walk.  I had just marked John up as a no show when he rang up just as we were setting off from Niguelas. He had mis- read the start time, could we wait 10 minutes for him. We all agreed, subject...