Walk Sunday 23 August 2015 Lavadero de la Reina

Our walk this week was to the Lavadero de la Reina. It was a walk with a 12km off road drive requiring 4X4s. This limited the number of people who could go to 17, but we managed to squeeze an extra one into Mark’s trusty little Renault to bring the number up to 18. The weather forecast was for a dramatic fall in temperature down to 30 degrees in Granada, almost autumnal after the stifling heat of the summer. After a dusty drive along the rough track we stopped at what must be the car park with the best view in the Sierras.As you head off walking in the direction of the refugio at Pena Partida you are surrounded by the lofty peaks of Veleta, Mulhacen and Alcazaba. The refugio made a good stopping point for our mid morning break. Up at this height the temperature was around 15 degrees with a strong north westerly wind. What was not forecast was the cloud that was sneaking up on us. It was not above us but it was coming up the valleys below us. The refugio sleeps about 12, ...