Walk Sunday 24 January 2016 Almond blossom from Saleres

Our walk last Sunday was our yearly Almond Blossom walk from Saleres. Normally it is a walk we do in February but, because of the very mild weather we have had this winter the blossom started appearing in December, so for the first time we did the walk in January and I must say I think it was the best display of the blossom ever. The trees were loaded with flowers, the sun was shining, and the colours were spectacular, what else could you wish for. The walk started in Saleres and crossed the river before starting the ascent up the other side of the valley. I don’t whether it was the sun coming out or the climb but by the time we reached the top I was considerably warmer than I was in Saleres. We stopped for the group photo amongst the Olive trees, which caused a few comments, seeing as it was the Almond Blossom walk. But these are my favorite Olive groves, the rocks and the terracing are fantastic and anyway there was some Almond trees behind us and it was my camera. Cont...