Walk Sunday 24 July 2016 Circular from the Botanical gardens

Our walk this week started from the Botanical gardens above Cumbres Verde. It was only a short walk as the temperature was forecast to be around 40 degrees. Elsa had offered to take her car, I think there may have been a misunderstanding of the words “forest road with steep drops”. When we got to our destination not only had she chewed all her nails, her fingers were down to the stumps and her shiny black car was now a dull white. It was a delight to discover the temperature was only around 20 degrees, it felt positively fresh and I was regretting not packing my fleece. We set off following section 2 of the Sulayr path towards the Rincon de Nigüelas, 20km away. Fortunately for us we were only following the camino forestal for 2.2 km, the rest of the way is a killer. Instead we took a small path as it climbs up the loma de los Panaderos. It’s a lovely path as it twists and turns up the hillside, what the bread men found to do up here, miles from any...