Sunday 18 June 2017 Pradollano

This week, in an effort to escape the overbearing heat wave we are experiencing at the moment, we decided to head for the ski village of Pradollano. The circular walk starts at the 2000 metre line about 5 km outside of the village . There wasn’t a cloud in the sky and the temperature was perfect for walking. For the next 1½ hours the walk climbed gently across the hillside. This was a two sandwich walk and we stopped for our first break after we had completed all the climbing. I was just thinking it was time to move on when there was an enormous clap of thunder, it was definitely time to move. We set off for Pradollano at a good pace, only to look back later to see that half of the group were meandering across the hillside, oblivious to the brewing storm. We took our second break at the Museum Etnológico fuente alta, a great place we had discovered a few weeks ago. I don’t know when, or if it ever opens but it is a great place to go for a picnic. There are tables and ...