Walk 16 July 2017 Mulhacen bus stop

My idea this to keep cool this week was to go high. It worked a treat, we had a nice breeze and temperatures were around 23 degrees. There were only 5 of us at the roundabout in Beznar so we all managed to fit into 1 car for the drive up to Hoya del Portillo. This is as far as you can drive when you are going up Mulhacen. The walk starts by following a track through the forest before coming out on the moor where it picks up the Porqueira refugio track. We weren’t going to the refugio this time but the path offers an easy way to gain most of the walk’s altitude. The highest point of the walk is 2700 metres at the Mulhacen bus stop. From here it’s all down hill, well downhill except for the couple of little climbs, one to our lunch spot to some very comfy rocks with superb views over to Mulhacen and Veleta. The other was a scramble to the peak of Prado Llano, not the ski village but it did give me an idea for next Sunday’s walk. It was only as we approached the car...