Walk Sunday 12 November 2017 Jayena barranco

We had a new Sunday walk this week in a barranco near Jayena. It’s a walk we discovered in the summer when we had planned to go all the way from the Carretera de Cabra to Jayena. The way through was blocked by brambles so we found another route for our return. This is the route we did on Sunday, slightly modified to remove a difficult scramble. The weather conditions were perfect, blue skies, a bit of frost on the trees out of the sun and wonderful views. The walk follows a forest track for a couple of kms until the start of the barranco. It begins in an inauspicious way, and slowly builds the further you go. The autumn colours on the trees were a perfect match to the canyon walls. We stopped for a little lunch in a great natural amphitheater with sufficient seating for 500. A few weeks ago in an effort to try and clear a path the Tuesday group had returned armed with machetes and secateurs. We hacked away for what seemed like hours but gave up after clear...