Walk Sunday 25th March 2018 Orgiva acequia

This week should have been our big end of the month walk but the weather forecast was for showers and a cold northerly wind. Instead we chose a wind cheating, shower dodging, short walk from Orgiva. The weather in Beznar was as predicted, we were only a few minutes away from more rain and there was a cool northerly breeze. A breeze has now been reclassified as a wind up to 50 kmph By the time we got to Orgiva things had improved a little. The temperature was a few degrees higher, the rain looked to be about 30 minutes away and the wind had dissipated. The walks starts off by heading downhill to the river, we had a couple of streams to cross that we have not seen before and the Rio Guadalfeo/Trevelez/ Cadiar, the river has so many names around here it’s impossible to work out what it is actually called, was in full spate. It started to rain just before we arrived at our usual breakfast stop in Los Augustines. It no longer looked inviting s...