Walk 20th May

Dear all The walk this last week was a return to the Huetor National park at the far side of Granada, and in line with our recently acquired green credentials we managed the outing by using 3 cars. On future outings we are planning to use pack mules only. There are 2 ways to do the walk, the hard way, which is a circular walk, or the easy way which is a linear walk, we chose the easy way which involves driving to the top of the park and walking back through the woods on a very easy and pleasant path. The route is a high level route at around 1800 meters and the views in all directions are outstanding. At the first picnic stop there is a pictorial map showing all the peaks of the Sierra Nevada which can be seen from this point. Our ornithological knowledge was further expanded when we saw numerous different types of birds which we were able to identify as big birds and little birds, couple this with the birds that float on water we saw a couple of weeks ago and you can see ...