Walk 20th May

Dear all
The walk this last week was a return to the Huetor National park at the far side of Granada, and in line with our recently acquired green credentials we managed the outing by using 3 cars. On future outings we are planning to use pack mules only. There are 2 ways to do the walk, the hard way, which is a circular walk, or the easy way which is a linear walk, we chose the easy way which involves driving to the top of the park and walking back through the woods on a very easy and pleasant path. The route is a high level route at around 1800 meters and the views in all directions are outstanding. At the first picnic stop there is a pictorial map showing all the peaks of the Sierra Nevada which can be seen from this point. Our ornithological knowledge was further expanded when we saw numerous different types of birds which we were able to identify as big birds and little birds, couple this with the birds that float on water we saw a couple of weeks ago and you can see why someone needs to bring a wildlife and flower book on the walks. At the end of the walk Quina ferried the drivers back to retrieve their cars, while the rest of us sat by the side of road awaiting collection. This must have looked a little strange to the other passing drivers, as we received numerous waves and funny looks, plus requests for stray dogs and something else we could not decipher. The walk has been christened the wet T shirt walk after Sandra's accident the details of which will remain secret. The arrangements for tapa this week were a little different from the usual. We went to the San Isidro pilgrimage in Padul. I know the word pilgrimage as connotations of making your way to a church on your hands and knees, but this being southern Spain things are slightly different. For a start it is held in an old abandoned military base, you arrive by car, there is a good supply of beer on offer and music and dancing is the order of the day, I think we managed to entertain the local Spanish community when the band played a Glenn Miller song and the Limpers, all wearing hiking boots, got up to dance. A good day was had by all and we shall return next year, fully prepared with tables, chairs, sun brollies, bbq and enough food and drink to make a day of it. A full selection of pictures of the days outing are available at http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/holidaysingranada/LecrinValleyLimpers
The walk this coming Sunday, the 20th May, is a two part walk. The easy part is from Albunuelas and back to Restabal where refreshment will be taken at bar Sifon, at this point the sick and the lame can return to Chite via car, while the soft in the head can walk around the lake and back to Chite. Tapa will be held at our house in Chite. Please meet in Chite at 9am, tapa can be left at our house at this point, and we can arrange what cars we need to take to Restabal and Albunuelas.
A note regarding walk insurance that we mentioned in a previous letter, Guillermo, at the Nomadas walking shop in Durcal, has researched this for us and has come up with a solution. We can be added to the policy of the Federacion Andaluza Montanismo on an individual basis. This will give you cover in case of accident while out walking, and should cover you for the expense of being recovered if necessary. The biggest downside to the policy I can see is that it runs from 1st January to 31st December with no reduction for a part year. The cost is 34.50 euros per year. Further details can be found at www.fedmon.com/licencia/coberturas/coberturas.htm or in english http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A//www.fedamon.com&langpair=es|en&hl=es&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&prev=/language_tools
If anyone is interested contact Guillermo direct, He will need a copy of your full name, passport, date of birth, address, and type of cover you require.
The weather in Spain remains glorious with long hot sunny days, perfect for our days out.
The photo shows Arthur, Quina, Graham, Alan, John, Sandra, Margaret, Liz, Jose.
Have a good week and we hope to see you on Sunday