Walk 20 January 2008

The walk on Sunday was the impressively named "Goldfinger walk" I know that Ian Fleming once wrote a book with a similar name and perhaps made a few bob out of it, but the original authors of this walk are Dutch Bob and Alan, who many years ago set off to mark the route with a can of Gold paint, and came back with gold digits. Because neither of the original crew were on the walk this week we were able to adapt the walk to suit our needs better. We set off from the car park in Nigúelas and made our way via the Rio Torrente to Acequias. From there it was a steady climb, joining the GR7 along the way, to the summit of Cerro Alto. After stopping for breakfast we made our way back into the barranco near the Hydro station, by way of excitement we then followed the Acequia into Niguelas along the newly built footpath. This is a delightful way into the village, the excitement part comes in negotiating the large rock at the start, Alison had said she only suffered vertigo a bit, this must have been the bit she was talking about. For tapa we went to Migúels bar in Nigúelas to sample his excellent fare.
For our walk this coming Sunday the 20th we are going to Restabal, for the circular walk to the abandoned village, the camp site coffee shop (subject to opening hours) and onwards to the castle at Restabal. The walk is about 11 km and takes about 4 hours, there is a total height gain of about 400 meters but this is spread over about 4 km on a campo road, so it is not difficult. On our return to Restabal we will stop at Bar Santi for drinks before returning to our house in Chite for tapa. If you want to go on the walk meet at the church in Restabal at 9am.
The weather this last week has been a bit unsettled, with rain and thick fog some days, sunshine others, Sunday was brilliant. Today, Monday, there is heavy rain. The forecast for next Sunday is 18 degrees, if it looks like it might turn out that way I will have to unpack the shorts and suntan cream.
Have a good week and we hope to see you on Sunday
The photo show Plym, Alison and Margaret