13 January 2013 Rio Lanjaron

Above Lanjaron

This weeks weather forecast had always predicted a cold northerly wind for Sunday, we could deal with this by going to Lanjaron for a walk. What was a bigger threat was the possibility that it might rain.
At 7 am Sunday morning the wind had appeared and whilst it was overcast it was fine, I thought our luck would hold and our walk would go ahead.
At 8 am Sunday morning it was pouring down, it was too late now to cancel the walk. There was nothing else for it, I would have to go Beznar in case anyone else was daft enough to turn out, at least Mike would be there. He would turn up if Noah was launching his Ark. We could always go for a coffee and then home to sit round the fire.
At 8.45am Sunday morning Ray and Little Stuart were knocking on the door eager for a walk.
At 9 am Sunday morning. Beznar roundabout was being lashed by a bracing wind and   horizontal rain. Oddly enough the group now consisted of 12, already bedraggled walkers. There was now no chance of sneaking off home and sitting round the fire, I know we haven’t got a fire but at least at home I would be warm and dry.
A new plan was quickly developed, we would go to Lanjaron, have a coffee and see what transpired.
At 10 am Sunday morning the rain had stopped and the clouds had rolled back leaving a somewhat chilly morning but at least the sun was shining, the sky was blue and we were off on our walk.  
To start with we followed the GR142 as it climbed up to the Ermita and then we headed back on a high level road towards the Rio Lanjaron.
Little Stuart is eager to get his fitness level up for his 100k charity walk in May. We let him go off on his own a bit but he has instructions not to pass any turnings. If he goes too far we shout and whistle and he comes trotting back.
After climbing up to the 1100 meter line the path starts its long descent back to Lanjaron, Little Stuart had missed the turning so we had to whistle for him. The path drops down to the river through a wood and then joins an acequia where we stopped for lunch. Setting off again we continued down the road, Little Stuart soon disappeared out of sight and he wasn’t waiting at the next turning. We tried whistling and shouting but he did not appear, fearing the worst we headed off to the bar to console ourselves. A toast was proposed and one or two people said a few kind things about him. He was then spotted walking down the street and it was all taken back.
After a very unpromising start we all had an enjoyable few hours walking.

We walked 11.4 km and climbed 564 metres.

This weeks photo was taken above Lanjaron.

In the afternoon we all went around to Arthur’s for tapas.

Little Stuart is doing a 100 km charity walk on the 25th May to raise funds for the charity ATAXIA we thought as a group we could make a contribution for all his effort, well that is unless he gets lost on the way. If you would like to contribute let me know. Further details can be found at http://www.justgiving.com/Stuart-Cross


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