24 February 2013 Torvizcón
Last week the weather was wet in the valley and a bit snowy on the tops, which has left the Sierras covered in deep snow. The forecast for Sunday was cold and sunny, our choice of a walk in the Alpujarras was looking like a wise decision.
It was our big end of the month walk and we had an large international turnout of eager walkers. Our destination was Tozvizcón, the little pueblo nestling in a valley on the Cadiar road at the foot of the Sierra Contrevesa.
The walk starts from the center of the Pueblo and follows a marked route called “Ruta de Pedro Antonio” I never found out what was amusing about the name but Carmen and Conchi thought it was funny. The path meanders beside a small stream for a couple of kilometers, steadily gaining height and warming you up for the climb out of the valley. With the top still another 5 km away you continue along, climbing all the way, it is a well graded track and it never gets steep. At the top we had extensive views down to the coast at La Rabita.
By now we were getting pretty hungry but trying to find enough rocks for 15 to sit on was proving a little difficult, the ground was still wet after all the rain on Saturday. Passing a field we saw a large stack of breeze blocks, thinking we could turn these into seats we set about demolishing the pile. We had just made ourselves comfortable when the farmer turned up to work in his field. We just sat there, looking menacing, munching away at our sarnies. He never said anything, he just left us alone to enjoy a quick lunch as there was a cool breeze blowing.
Resuming our walk we soon passed a Bodega which was open, the boss offered to show us around but it would have added another hour to our day so we turned him down, we probably saved ourselves a few Euros as well. From here the path was all downhill through Almond groves which still had their flowers on, and, with excellent views over the snow covered Sierras, it was a delightful way back.
We finished off in a bar in Tozvizcón after an excellent day out.
We walked 17.2 km and climbed 737 metres