24 March Monachil

Great walk a pity about the weather I have every sympathy with all our friends in Northern Europe who are covered under a blanket of snow so deep that you have to go back to the last ice age to find so much of it about. Here in the valley we are also suffering, you cannot go out of the door for two minutes without getting wet. I blame it all on these wind turbines, when we had coal powered power stations and global warming, winter s and summers just kept getting hotter. Now they have closed them all down and put these turbines up it’s cold, wet and windy. We had planned a walk around Monachil this week but things did not look too promising as rain was forecast. With every one suffering from cabin fever I was under a lot of pressure to lay on a bit of sun. I spent all Saturday night pouring over weather charts, reading the tea leaves ( difficult when you can only get tea bags) and staring at my crystal balls. By 7 am Sunday morning I was confident we had a we...