Walk 3 March 2013 Rio Durcal
The group on the Puente de Lata
The weather forecast for Sunday was not promising, rain and cloud were on the menu, and the temperature was to be on the low side after a cold week. I had planned the walk so we were never too far away from a bar.
Sunday morning dawned dry, the wind had gone, the temperature was a few degrees higher, and there were 12 wanting to go for a walk.
We set off from Durcal, and headed off on a little track that runs along the edge of the Rio Durcal valley. This was going to be an easy walk, no steep ups and down, no nasty surprises.
At the end of the valley we dropped down to the river which we had to cross, normally there is a little bridge or some stepping stones to help you across. This week there was nothing, just a 5 metre wide, icy cold river. I have always felt that a leader should lead from the front. So, to set an example, I was first across, it was the other poor sods I felt sorry for because I had some plastic bags to put over my boots to keep them dry.
Now the problem with the plastic bags is, they are great for the first person who uses them: ie me, but the more they are used the the more they leak and with 12 of us to get across, well, there were going to be some wet feet. Some looked for alternative ways of crossing. John found a log across the river and, like a tightrope walker, managed to get across, it was not for the faint hearted and no one else tried this method. Mike had some flip flops but soon discovered they were not waterproof either. Some resigned themselves to getting their feet wet and removed their boots, rolled their trousers up and waded across. I know this might sound like a cavalier “I am alright Jack” kind of attitude but believe me, deep down I felt a real empathy with everyone.
With everybody safely across, and with their feet dried, I was expecting a knife in the back, but no, everyone was cheerful and we set off again, this time to climb up onto the opposite bank and make our way back to Durcal by way of the iron bridge. With the weather improving all the time it was decided to extend the walk a little and make the most of the sunshine, which, according to the weather forecast, we are not going to see again for at least another week. The extension added another hour to the walk and on our return to Durcal we stopped off at the Flamboyan cafe for drinks and cakes.
We walked 11.6 km and climbed 167 metres.
In the afternoon we all went around to Dave and Julie’s for tapas.