Walk 7 April 2013 Guajar Alto
We have had another week of mixed weather, heavy rain, wind and cool temperatures but finally the clouds are heading north and the sun is making an appearance.
This week we went to Guajar Alto for our walk. This was chosen as we wanted a big walk this weekend after enduring weeks of short wet walks. There was still a cool breeze forecast for the higher altitudes so a trip down the hill was on the cards. It was a new walk for the group on good forest roads.
We met at the roundabout in Beznar and then set off to meet Kees in Guajar Alto. We had said we would meet him by the bar in Alto so we were a bit surprised to see him sat outside the bar in Guajar FaragĂșit enjoying a coffee. He looked so happy there, enjoying his freshly brewed coffee. I was loath to stop and spoil his day but I couldn't resist. He appeared very pleased when I enquired after his health and general well being. He appeared a little surprised that we stayed in the cars and did not join him for coffee. He appeared shocked when we told him he was in the wrong village and that he should be 5 km away in Guajar Alto. Leaving half his coffee behind he jumped in a car and joined us for the drive to Alto.
The conditions were perfect for a high speed walk. There was plenty of altitude to go at but it was never steep. The tracks were good, there was plenty of shade because most of the walk was amongst pine trees and the temperature was just right. We did all the climbing before stopping for lunch, just leaving us with an easy 8 km walk back to the bar in Alto. I must say that they do look after you at the “Comidas Carmen” and this weeks vegetarian option came without meat.
We walked 22.4 km and climbed 705 metres.
B team report from Hilary
This week I was glad to have the company of 4 keen walkers so I didn't have to wander alone up dead end barrancos or get stuck in a culvert. We walked the circular route around the Vacarin with a lengthy detour to a magnificent view point and then along the goat track to Mondujar castle. The 8km took us 3 hrs as we stopped many times to take photos, catch our breath, search for the English or Spanish words and enjoy the views. We finished at the Acropolis where each coffee was accompanied by 2 chocolate biscuits and the owner gave us cherry tomatoes to take away.