19 May 2013 Capileira acequia walk
We are having some very unsettled weather at the moment,and we had to change our advertised walk on the Vereda de Estrella after I received an avalanche warning for the area we were intending walking in.
A new plan was formalised, we would go to Capileira on the southern,snow free slopes of the Sierra Nevada. On Saturday it snowed, and settled around the 1500 metre line. I feel sure my calendar say’s it is May, but it is more like February, more head scratching for suitable routes. In the end I came up with 3 routes, all in the Porqueira gorge, all at different altitudes, hopefully one of them would be suitable for us.
We set off from Beznar on Sunday morning to look at the conditions and decide on our choice of walk. Stopping in Pampaneira it was obvious that the highest route was a no goer, it was snow bound. The lowest route was clear of snow but no one was keen to do it. The consensus was for the middle route and if we hit the snow we could always turn around.
The path started in Capileira and went up to the hydro electric station at Cebadilla, then continued along the riverside track that goes to the Porqueira refugio. This was a superb path which crossed the fast flowing river numerous times.
We climbed as far as the acequia alta where we stopped for lunch, and then followed it back towards Capileira before dropping down into the pueblo.
We stopped off at our usual bar to refresh ourselves before driving back to Lecrin.
An excellent days walking and we still have the Vereda de Estrella to look forward to, when it stops snowing.
We walked 18.3 km and climbed 1005 metres maximum altitude attained 2208 metres
Hilary’s B team walk
10 people started the walk but after a couple of kilometers 3 decided to try out a shorter circular route which also goes through part of the pine forest. The rest of us took the track which is probably familiar to you following the contours with great views over Beznar lake and beyond. After our break we did a little "exploring" and found a good path up to the main track from the GR7 to Talara. We walked 8 km, climbed about 240m and were back on the terrace of the Acropolis for coffee and orange cake shortly after 1pm.