22 December 2013 Pico Lopera

Last week it finally snowed in the Sierras , it was also a bit damp in our valley. The snow was ideal for myself, Kees, Conchi and Fernando who were having a weekend away on Veleta on a photography course.
Mike volunteered to lead the walk to Pico Lopera.

I think that the 22nd of December is my favourite day of the year. We have passed the hurdle of the shortest day, and from now on the sun greets us a little earlier each morning and stays with us a little longer in the evening. Everything is on the Up! With this in mind we embarked on our journey to Pico Lopera, one of our more scenic walks, and there are a good many.
We parked our cars outside the Bar, always a clever move.
The day was perfect; a clear deep blue sky, little or no wind, and the sun rising over the snow clad Sierra Nevada shining down on us, warming our cold bones. What more does a body want?
In Jan's case a new one. He'd gone down with something horrible, so he opted to take himself and his family, who had recently arrived from Scotland, on an abbreviated excursion.
The rest of us set off at a leisurely pace. Stuart was away in the mountains taking photographs, or something, so when the cat's away the mice will play.
We took our time, and lots of it. A gentle stroll in beautiful country side, not a struggling walker in sight.
After about 3 kilometres we took a turning off the main track and headed uphill to the look out point, the highest spot in our outing. On our amble up the gentle slope we had more stops than a Number 13 Bus going down Oxford Street. As a result we all arrived at the summit in great shape and were rewarded with a spectacular panorama in every direction. Superb.
A leisurely snack was taken. (I seem to be keep using this word leisurely!)
Food taken on board, we headed back on a completely different path. Halfway there we came across Jan and his tribe having their own little picnic, waiting for us. How he knew which way we were going back I have no idea, I hadn't told him, and Martine assured me they had never been in the area before. I know Jan is a nuclear scientist, and therefore a bit smart, but this was something else. They joined us for the final part of our walk.
And then disaster struck.
The Bar was closed, permanently.
Not to be outdone we girded our loins, climbed aboard our trusty steeds, and high tailed it to the next bar down the road. We were rewarded with drinks and excellent Tapas served by a charming couple who made the Old Gits amongst us look like spring chickens.
A great day out, enjoyed by all; I hope.
Thank you again Ray for covering our rear.
Until the next time.
We all went round to Pat and Ralph's afterwards for some excellent home made pastries, pies, cakes and cheeses, washed down with mulled wine.
We walked 9 km and climbed 302 meters.

Thank you Mike for leading the walk and an excellent report. Kees and myself are now up with the best in the photography stakes, and pose serious competition to Conchi, Fernando and Jan, even though our best results are still when the camera is set to auto.


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