12th January 2014 The watch Towers at Conchar

Our advertised walk this week was to the Watch towers above Conchar. I now accept that this technically contravenes the Trade descriptions Act as we could only find one. The pile of rocks I found was not accepted by most in the group as the second one.
The walk started from the Cozvijar-AlbunĂșelas road, and initially we had a short walk along this busy road, well we did see 2 cars and some cyclists.
We then headed up a little track that cuts through what was once intended to be a housing development. The developer, a Dutch guy, was selling plots of land on the hillside that he did not own. The scam came to an end when the new owners tried getting planning permission to build.
 The watch tower is said to have been built by the Muslims when they ruled this area many years ago. It is a few years since I had done this walk and I felt sure there was another tower on the next hill, so, after a few minutes examining the first one we set off for the second. Could we find it? No, there was nothing, after standing all these centuries it must have crumbled away to nothing in the last six years.
Continuing on we dropped down into the valley and then took a slight diversion to look at a very interesting example of an Almond tree. Regaining our intended route we found a field with good views over the Sierras to stop for lunch.
After this it was a leisurely stroll back to the cars, at one point we did lose about half of the group as they disappeared inside an abandoned cortijo, it was in a great position with wonderful views over Caballo. With all the excitement it caused I thought they intending buying it and using it as the group´s headquarters.
To round off the walk some of the group stopped for a beer at the Galp garage.
In the afternoon we went around to Hilary and Grahame’s house for tapas and we enjoyed the afternoon sun on the terrace.

We walked 10.9 km and climbed 380 metres  

Brownie points. By popular demand we are going to re introduce the Brownie Points system of rewarding excellence.
Brownie point rules.
To try and make the system fair all existing Brownie points are cancelled, even Cees’s minus points are cancelled.
Brownie points have no monetary value, only prestige  
Brownie points cannot be traded, even for chocolate bars.
Brownie points are awarded on merit by the Brownie point committee.
Brownie points are to be awarded for exceptional services to fellow walkers.
Acts of bravery when dealing with ferocious animals, not for going to the back of the group when we come across a herd of cows.
Leading the group to safety when everyone else has given up hope.
Finding an unmarked route missed by everyone else, points deducted if you say I saw the turn off 3 km back.
Carrying someone else's pack when they are knacked, in particular the walk leader´s pack.
New rules and categories can be made up at anytime.
The Brownie point committee decisions are final but they may be influenced by the offer of free beer.



Kees said…
If you are looking for somebody in the BrowniePointCie, I maybe can help you .......

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