
Showing posts from February, 2014

Walk 23 February 2014 Soportujar and the Buddhist centre

This week was our February end of the month big walk, and we went to Soportujar in the Alpujarras. It was still quite cool when we arrived, even though it was a cloudless blue sky, and the forecast was for temperatures of 17 degrees later in the day. So, wrapping ourselves up in our jackets, we set off by walking through the village following the GR7 back towards Cañar. It’s not long before the path starts to climb steeply and at the top of the first climb the jackets came off. Continuing along by an acequia we slowly climbed up to the Rio Chico waterfall. I know that it is man made but it is still worth a look. At the top of the waterfall we stopped for a quick break before continuing on our climb up towards Puente Palo. The path is mostly a zig zag one through the pine forest, but in sections it gets quite steep. These bits played havoc with the ones recovering from the various winter maladies that have been going around the valley these past few weeks,   so i...

16 February 2014 Albunñuelas Almond blossom walk

With the Almond blossom now it full swing it was time to do our annual walk around Albunúelas. Last year there was a bit of trouble, when Cees and Conchi got us barred from drinking in the bars of Albunúelas, so this year I thought it was better if we left them both at home, and also to start the walk from Saleres. I didn’t want the Limper´s tattered reputation damaging further, and some in the group have to live in the village. It was raining at 7 am on Sunday morning, but the tea leaves were predicting that the conditions would improve from 9am, but I was still surprised to find we had a group of 22 blossom hunters ready and waiting. We set off from Saleres on the GR7, this is a wonderful track that meanders through the campo amongst the Oranges, Olives and delicious looking vegetables. The only downside is, as you approach Albunúelas, someone has decided to replace the footpath with a concrete road. I appreciate we are living in the 21st century, and the farmer...

9th February 2014 Murchas castle

The weather forecast had predicted rain for our Sunday walk, the prediction was correct. Because of the poor forecast we had arranged to meet in the Puerta del Valle Bar in Melegis. I was surprised how many turned up for what promised to be a miserable day. Now you have got to take this miserable day in context, this is a Spanish miserable day. One where we know that, in a few days time, the sun will return and we can go back to wearing our T shirts. This was not like a English miserable day which, like groundhog day goes on and on for ever. Whilst it wasn’t raining at 9am it was damp, so we retired to the bar for a coffee around the log fire. After a quick discussion it was decided that the conditions were good enough for a walk to Murchas castle . We would then review our plans for the rest of the walk. The beauty about this area is that there are a lot of tracks, which allow you to adapt the walk as conditions change. After a slight detour when I missed the acequia ...

2nd February 2014 Guajar Faragúit

After last weeks superb walk, up the Durcal Tubo, this weeks outing was disappointing. We spent the whole walk wandering around, becoming more and more depressed, as the day wore on all we could think about was returning to the bar and drowning our sorrows.   The day had started well, we had all met up in the Bar in Guájar Faragúit for coffee. Everyone was excited to be out, looking forward to a day on the hills, in the sunshine, foraging for Avocados. It had been pretty windy all week, perfect conditions for us. The hedgerows and road sides would be full of the wind fall produce. After a quick coffee we set off, eager to get picking. It was not long before disappointment set in, someone had beaten us to it. There was nothing, the trees were stripped and there was not one avocado on the floor. Well there was one, but because I was in front it went in my pocket, as the walk progressed we became more dejected. Who had let them know we were coming? Next year we will ...