2nd February 2014 Guajar Faragúit

After last weeks superb walk, up the Durcal Tubo, this weeks outing was disappointing. We spent the whole walk wandering around, becoming more and more depressed, as the day wore on all we could think about was returning to the bar and drowning our sorrows.  
The day had started well, we had all met up in the Bar in Guájar Faragúit for coffee. Everyone was excited to be out, looking forward to a day on the hills, in the sunshine, foraging for Avocados.
It had been pretty windy all week, perfect conditions for us. The hedgerows and road sides would be full of the wind fall produce.
After a quick coffee we set off, eager to get picking. It was not long before disappointment set in, someone had beaten us to it. There was nothing, the trees were stripped and there was not one avocado on the floor. Well there was one, but because I was in front it went in my pocket, as the walk progressed we became more dejected. Who had let them know we were coming? Next year we will go unannounced and at night.       

The walk is all on Campo roads as it twists and climbs on the hillside above Guájar Faragúit. As we climbed and left the Avocado trees behind we discovered spring had arrived amongst the Almond groves, see the facebook photos. After the final climb we stopped for lunch in a very pleasant clearing and enjoyed the sunshine. The walk back is  all downhill, and we arrived back at the bar after 4 hours and enjoyed  beer and tapas.  
An enjoyable day out even without the avocados.

We walked 12.8 km and climbed 488 metres.


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