23rd March 2014 Rio Lanjaron

The weather forecast had predicted clouds, low temperatures and a strong northerly wind for our Sunday walk this week so we chose a walk setting off from Lanjaron which would keep us out of the wind. We have never done this walk before on a Sunday because time wise it is on the limit of what we can do and still get back in time for a 3.30 tapas. I thought that, with the increasingly youthfulness of the group, (Rene has suggested that the rest of us will have to grow younger in order to keep up), and with some careful time management we would just have enough time to get to Tello and back in the allotted time frame. Not that the Tello refugio is a particularly important place, it is just somewhere to shelter if the weather is bad.  
The walk starts at the far end of Lanjaron and follows a steep path as it ascends the Lanjaron valley. For the next two hours the path is up, I know I have a reputation for choosing walks that involve a bit of climbing, but this one is serious about going up, no zig zags, no level bits, no down bits. This one is full on, straight up. The problem with Tello is that it is on the opposite side of the valley from the one we were walking on. The only way to reach it is to drop down to the river, cross a bridge and then climb up to it. We got to the river around lunch time and there didn’t seem to be any point continuing up to the refuge, particularly as there was a very nice picnic spot by the side of the river. We stayed there, had lunch and enjoyed the beautiful tranquil spot besides the river.  
After lunch we made our way back down to Lanjaron.     
The weather stayed sunny and warm without a cloud all day, so much for weather forecasting.
We walked 10.9 km and climbed 822 metres.

In the afternoon we went to Dave and Julie’s for tapa and spent a pleasant afternoon with entertainment provided by John on his Guitar.


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