27 July 2014 Elorrieta

A perfect walk on a perfect day just about sums up our walk this weekend to Elorrieta. It was our big end of the month walk and we needed to go high, as this week it was going to be hot, not like last week when we were wearing fleeces in Cozvijar. Our destination was Elorrieta, This used to be a former Tuberculosis Hospital, or a hut for Forestry workers in the Lanjaron valley, depending on what story you believe. Nowadays it is a refugio but not like the super luxury Porqueira one we stayed in a few weeks ago. This is basic, no doors, no windows and snow on the floor. I don’t think it will be on our weekend away list for next year. We had an early 8 am start from the valley and met up with the Granadinos contingent at Hoya de la Mora, the car park on the side of Veleta, at 9 am. The first part of the walk is a bit boring as it crosses the lower slopes of Veleta, which is not the prettiest place in the Sierra Nevada due to all the sky lifts and buildings that are sca...