13 July 2014 Cruz de Padul

Can I first start by apologizing to all you poor sods who spent last weekend crawling over the mountains of the high Sierras only to be credited with walking 38.5 km, when we had actually walked 46.9 km and climbed 2465 metres, I needed new batteries in my calculator. It was a great effort by everyone who went.

This week we had something a little easier planned for the group, a quick up and down the hill and then into a bar before it got warm.
We met in Marchenna and I was surprised to find we had amassed a group of 19! Setting off in 4 cars we drove the 4km to the start of the walk above Padul.
The walk follows an undulating path in the forest, with plenty of shade from the sun, the temperature was forecast to be 38 degrees. After a couple of kms the path starts to gain some serious height with a short climb alongside a barranco. Unfortunately this bit of the walk is in the sun but it was still only 9.30 in the morning, so the blistering temperatures were still a few hours away. At the top of the barranco we stopped for a water break before continuing along to the Cruz de Atalaya. This is a great place from which to look down on Padul and the laguna. After this the path is all downhill back to the car, we met up with Mike along the way, he had earlier returned to Durcal with a Limper who was not feeling 100%. Thanks Mike for your mountain rescue duties.  
We made into the bar at 12.28, 2 minutes ahead of schedule.

We walked 9.6 km and climbed 476 metres.

In the afternoon we went round to Josette’s for tapas.


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