24 August 2014 Prado Negro

This week we went to Prado Negro and a walk along the top of Tajos del los Riscos Moro. The walk started from the bar in Prado Negro, always a good place to start from as there is a cold beer waiting for you when you get back. To start with we followed a track heading uphill, and away from the direction we needed to be going, but there was a plan. Mike and Kees were going off exploring on their own, and we needed to set them off in the right direction, so they joined us for the first couple of km. We said goodbye and arranged to meet them in the bar later. We headed for the pimple, a small hillock on the ridge. In other situations it would be considered as a spectacular outcrop of rocks but amongst these magnificent rock faces it is a mere blip, but for us it served as a pleasant place to sit and have a snack before our serious climb. Now if you have not been up the Tajos del los Riscos Moro before it comes as a bit of a shock, when someone says “We are going up there” ...