Walk Sunday 10 August 2014 Rio Bermejo Pitres
With hot weather forecast for the weekend we wanted somewhere cool to walk this Sunday, so we introduced a new walk to the group. The walk is centered around the Rio Bermejo, a delightful little river above Pitres in the Alpujarras
The start of the walk is on a forest track some 20 minutes drive above Capileira. At 1750 metres altitude it made the perfect place to start a walk from in August. The temperature was just right, with a gentle breeze blowing to cool things down.
The path climbs steadily for the first 3 km, with much of it in the shade from the surrounding forest. At the top we met up with the Sulayr trail and we turned back along this towards Capileira. The walk crosses a number of tiny streams which all join up to make the Rio Bermejo, we discovered the delights of this river later when we had returned to the cars.
Finding a nice shady spot we stopped for elevenses, we had now reached our maximum altitude of 2239 metres. With the slight breeze keeping the temperature down to around 22 degrees it was perfect for walking, particularly now that it was all downhill. We found another picnic spot on the way back and finished off our sarnies and then returned to the cars.
I had saved the best bit of the walk until the last, I was worried that if they had visited the waterfalls at the start of the walk there would have been no way of persuading the group to go for a walk. The falls are only a short distance from where we had parked the cars but, as it was now starting to warm up, we drove down to them. They are superb, not your usual straight drop, but the water was funneling down and coming out in all directions. We will have to return after a wet spell in the winter.
It is with some regret that I have to announce that we did lose somebody on this week´s walk. We are normally quite proud of the fact that we try to return with the same number that we started with. In the immortal words of Brian Hanrahan “ I counted them out, and I counted them all back in again” Well, this time one was missing, shot down in a ball of flames. Somewhere along the route we had lost Little Stuart, not the best person to lose, as his homing instincts are somewhat lacking. He has been known to lose his house sometimes. Fortunately his mate, Andy, was able to make telephone contact with him and ascertained he had made it safely back.
We had intended stopping in Bubion for a drink on the way back, but it was so busy we could not find anywhere to park, so we continued to Soportujar and the bar with the fancy ceiling.
A great walk enjoyed by most.
We walked 11.4 km and climbed 525 metres.
My Suzuki has made its last trip, for everyone who has suffered in one of its many breakdowns, it is no more. Gone forever are those fears of being stranded at the side of the road when it throws a wobbly. Forgotten are the Fawlty Towers demented beatings inflicted upon it, whenever another problem arose. Long live the new Dacia Duster, well it will be when it turns up.