Walk Sunday 8 February 2015 The real acequia Granada
A truly historic event took place on Sunday. For the first time ever the start time for a walk was put back by one hour. Some will question the reason behind the change, I maintain it was because of the bitterly cold Saturday night temperatures, 6 degrees that had been forecast. Others claim that, because I will be a pensioner next month, I am becoming too old and frail to go out when it is cold, Mike even suggested that it was to stop him watching his football team, El magnifico Burnley, who were on the television at 1pm. I feel vindicated with the decision to delay the start when you look at the group photo, no one is wearing shorts or skimpy tops.
Our walk this week was in Granada and started from above the Alhambra, There were 19 brave souls who turned up on a cold morning for the drive down to the city where we met up with another 6 who were waiting for us by the Muslim cemetery.
With our now expanded group we set off down to the Alhambra, which very conveniently has some loos you can access from outside, they were much appreciated.
We then followed the little track that leads down towards the Rio Darro and meets the road going up into Sacromonte. We continued along the road past the Monasterio AbadĂn de Sacromonte.
After walking about 5 kms on good hard dry surfaces we crossed the river again and hit the mud. This was a real treat for the Northern Europeans. Occasionally in Spain you may come across a short muddy section, but nothing like this. We walked for nearly 1 km in the stuff. I kept expecting to hear a splat as someone lost their footing but no, we all emerged with muddy boots and legs but no serious casualties.
After a short climb we came to the path that runs alongside the acequia Real which supplies water to the Alhambra, not that you can see it because it is in a tunnel inside the hill. The path is level, well actually it falls by 4 metres along it’s 3.29 km length. How the hell those guys dug that out 700 years ago when our builder could not build a level wall is beyond me.
It was standing room only when it came to lunch time. With 25 in the group, and a bench that had room for only 6 people, we had to allocate the seating to the old or the infirm.
Our run of bad luck continued when we went to visit the historical site of the “Silla del Moro”, it was just closing. Well, at least it had been open, so that is an improvement over the past few weeks.
On our way back to the cars we came across another group of walkers, there must have been 200 in their group and we were all going up the same track. It was a hell of a job trying to separate the two lots when our paths diverged. I ended up just taking the first 25, so I don’t know if we came back with the same people we set off with but at least the numbers were right.
It stayed cool most of the day but we had a enjoyable day out.
We walked 12.6 km and climbed 300 metres.