Walk 8th March 2015 Saleres Almond blossum
This week we went to look at the Almond blossom on the trees above Albunúelas, it’s about a month late this year due to the cold winds that have been a feature of our winter this year.
The walk started from Saleres and some brave souls were already down to their T shirts. Personally I thought 8 degrees was a bit chilly to be striping off so early in the morning, I like the streets to be warm before casting off any clothing. What was needed was a good climb up a steep hillside. There are two ways up on to the ridge a steep slog on a narrow footpath or a gentle climb up the road. The road seemed the best idea, you can set a good pace and it is only a campo road with no traffic at this time in a morning. Wrong! Every man and his dog wanted to be on the ridge on Sunday morning, it was a never ending stream of traffic.
The climb achieved its objective, everyone was warm when we got to te top, so we stopped for a short break so that we could remove all the unnecessarily layers, the braver ones even went into shorts.
With the steep climbing completed we continued the walk at a gentle pace with plenty of stops to admire the blossom and discuss important issues, why Mike was discussing Burnley football club when there are momentous world events taking place, I have no idea.
On the way into Albunúelas we had a break for lunch, with good views down the valley and over to Caballo.
We had a full team effort with Jan taking over as our guide on a wonderful little track he and Martine had discovered a while back which took us into Albunúlas and Rene leading us around the lower barrio to get us out.
After this it was downhill all the way back to Saleres.
It wasn’t a hard walk or a long walk but it was a very pleasant way to spend a morning.
We walked 12 km and climbed 451 metres.