Walk Sunday 15 November 2015 Lanjaron
After missing last week's walk due to injury, and thank you to everyone who expressed their sympathy, I was really looking forward to this week’s walk. For those who posted less than sympathetic comments on facebook retribution will be swift and painful. I feel I have done the world a service by discovering a potential major accident area. I just need health and safety to take up my case and I feel sure I should be able to claim compensation.
Sunday was a beautiful day, a cloudless sky, warm sunshine and a great new walk around Lanjaron.
We met in Beznar and then drove over to Lanjaron to meet up with Martin who was our guide for the day.
The local council have recently opened up, and way marked, some new paths in the hills and valleys around the village, and Martin kindly volunteered to show us some of them.
I was surprised to find our group consisted of 23 people all out to enjoy a day's walking in the hills, particularly as the walk had been classified as a grade 6.
We were soon out of the village and heading along unknown tracks, slowly climbing the hillside and walking beside acequia. After about an hour we arrived at a picnic area surrounded by chestnut trees with their autumn tints. After a short break we continued our walk, climbing a bit, walking by an acequia, climbing a bit. It was great. We slowly made our way across the hillside behind Lanjaron, heading for the Lanjaron / Nigúelas mountain road which we walked along for a short distance before arriving at the mirador where we stopped for lunch. We had just finished eating when a chill breeze cropped up, the temperature must have dropped to at least 23 degrees C. Feeling chilly we decided to make a move back towards Lanjaron. The path recrossed the hillside and dropped us off in the centre of the town. A few minutes later found us back at the cars and a bar where we stopped for beer and tapas.
It was a great walk and many thanks Martin for showing us the tracks and paths around your Pueblo.
We walked 14.8 km and climbed 593 metres.