Walk 15 January 2017 Guajar Faraguit
I had planned a walk to Beas de Granada but as the week progressed the forecasted daytime temperature kept dropping. It finally settled around 6 degrees, with a strong northerly wind. Those kind of temperatures don’t fit with my current hair style. If the winter lasts much longer I am thinking of letting it grow again and going back to my long, dark curly locks.
Instead of the freezing cold weather in the hills above Granada we decided to go down hill, to Guajar Faraguit, where the temperature was much more amenable.
The walk started from the waterfall by the side of the road up to Guajar Alto. Now we know this area well, but there are a couple of paths I have never walked on, Steve and the Sexi Senderistas from Almunecar have. So with the new route on my GPS we set off to discover the tracks.
Our path started by going uphill, straight uphill. It’s the kind of hillside you look at and think there is no way they could get a path up there. But someone did it and waymarked it. So now there is a superb path which is great for warming you up and getting the old heart pumping. The climb up was a foretaste of what was to come, you were either going up, or going down, there were no flat bits. At the top of the first climb there is a mirador with a sheer drop and great views over Guajar Alto. From here it’s a roller coaster path through forest and campo to the castle, where we stopped for a bite to eat.
After lunch we followed a superb path as it twisted and turned, making it’s way across the hillside and, eventually, down to the river which I was hoping we would be able to paddle across. My reputation within the group for finding the hard way of crossing a river took a knock when we discovered someone had put some stepping stones and we were able to cross and keep our feet dry.
It was a superb short walk but next time we will rate it as a 6 and do it after heavy rain when the river is deeper and wider.
We walked 7.9 km and climbed 597 metres