Walk Sunday 28 January 2018 Velez de Benaudalla

This weekend was supposed to be our big end of the month walk but the weather forecast was predicting doom and gloom with heavy rain, high winds and low temperatures, not my favorite combination of conditions for walking in the hills. As a compromise we decided to go down the hill to Velez de Benaudalla where at least the temperature would be a bit higher. Hilary was also going to lead a shorter walk from Velez so if the conditions were as bad as predicted we could always join them for a lower level walk, and, failing that, we could go to the bar.
 At the meeting point in Beznar it was 4 degrees but at least it was dry, 15 minutes later in Velez it was 8 degrees and there was a patch of blue sky, no wonder Cees refers to the village as The Beautiful  village of Velez de Benaudalla. To cap it all the village was protected from the easterly wind by the big hill of Sierra Lujar.
We said goodbye to Hilary, who was taking the VOGs out for an airing, and set off up to the castle. As castles go it’s not much to look at, it’s just a tower really, we are certainly not going to come down to fight them for it.
 The walk then continued along to the Nacimiento, a delightful little park where a small warm stream appears out of the rocks. We then followed various roads and tracks up to the motorway which we crossed by way of a tunnel.
It was now starting to look a bit black and we had an option to take a quick way back to Velez or continue up the hillside and stick with the original plan. We all had a positive attitude and waterproofs so we went for the longer option. True to form as we reached our highest altitude, and the furthest point from Velez, it started to rain. Fortunately it was only a quick shower and the sun was soon shining again.
Taking advantage of the good weather we stopped for an early lunch under some Almond trees that were in full bloom, what a wonderful sight knowing that spring is on it’s way. Resuming our walk we headed off downhill, accompanied along the way by a mixture of showers, wind and sunshine.
In Velez we stopped off in a bar for refreshment, it had a been a pleasant walk in conditions  a great deal better than I had being expecting.

We walked 14.6 km and climbed 599 metres.


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