Walk Sunday 18th February 2018 Lanajaron circular

I can’t keep track of the weather forecasts at the moment, they change by the hour and it seems like each foreaster is trying to outdo the others in getting it wrong. So for the next few weeks just bring everything from shorts and Bikini tops ( ladies only) to full mountain wet weather gear.
Our walk on Sunday was a case in point, at the beginning of the week it was forecasting heavy rain but everyday it got less and less. By Sunday we were walking in sunshine.
Our walk was a circular one from Lanjaron. We went down through the park to the castle carpark, and then down to the river.
I had seen what I thought was a new path alongside the river, it was only about 100 metres long and then it linked into our normal route. It turned out that there wasn’t a path but a very nice man with a pack horse said we could cross his land and his neighbours.  What the neighbours would think about it I don’t know. Anyway we were soon back on the official path. Over the years they have built various crossings across the river. None have survived, every year they get washed away in the storms. This year they have built a very sturdy looking affair, it looks like it should last 1000 years but it will be interesting to see if it survives the next winter.
From the river there is a steep climb up los tajos, a near vertical hillside, at the top of which sits The Bunker, the home of the local gruppenfúhrer, as you can imagine we have had problems in the past. We passed by making quite a lot of noise.
Half an hour later we stopped for lunch at the ermita. With most of the climbing behind us we continued the walk up until we met the GR7 track which we followed back to Lanjaron.
As we were passing a bar we thought it would be very remiss of us not call in and sample the drinks and tapas. Can I just say, next time we go to a bar can you please try and remember what you have ordered, so as not to confuse the bar man. The poor fellow spent 10 minutes trying to find who had ordered a vino tinto. I understand it can become a problem after a few drinks but not the first one.
A good morning's walk with excellent company.

We walked 11.6 km and climbed 576 metres.


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