Walk Sunday 8 April 2018 Prado Negro
The weather forecast for Sunday was for rain in the afternoon and temperatures a bit on the low side for April, these days anything above 12 degrees is classed as a hot day. Even so it came as a shock when we came off the motorway at prado Negro to see snow ploughs full of grit lined up at the side of the road, engines running and drivers waiting. It made me wonder if they had seen a different weather forecast to me.
My original idea for the walk was to do it clockwise, leaving the visit to the waterfall to the end But the weather in Prado Negro wasn’t promising, it wasn’t actually raining but you knew it soon would be. So I thought it was better to get in the visit to the falls before the rain came.
The waterfall was spectacular, I have never seen so much water in it, I can’t imagine where it’s all come from.
The weather was starting to deteriorate when we stopped for a mid-morning snack, with the temperature dropping and the rain heading towards us we held a democratic vote on whether to continue the walk or return the way we had come and save about 1 hours walking. The majority voted in favour of continuing but, in true EU tradition, I ignored the majority and decided it would be best if we headed back. It started to rain just before we reached a large cave where we stopped for lunch and shelter.
It was only now about 30 minutes back to the cars in Prado Negro so, reinvigorated after food and with the thought of hot toddies in one of the bars, we resumed our journey. The bars were packed, it was standing room only and the thought of standing around waiting to be served in wet clothing was too much to contemplate. Reluctantly we returned to the cars and headed off home.
An interesting day out, at least we managed to stretch our legs and the distant views of the snow covered Sierra Nevada were left to our imaginations.
We walked 13.7 km and climbed 407 metres.