Walk Sunday 15 July 2018 Murchas- Nigúelas
Some of our group were very excited about a major sporting event due to take place on Sunday. So, following advice from my friends who know about these things, I planned a short local walk from Murchas.To try and avoid the worst of the summer heat we had an early 08.30 start.
The walk started from the bridge in Murchas and followed the rio Torrent up to Nigúelas, normally at this time of the year the river is dry, but this year it is still flowing.
Things started to go wrong just before we arrived in Nigúelas, we had made good time and it was still cool so we decided to extend the walk a little bit. I know, I can hear you all groaning, “There he goes again, advertising a short walk and we end up doing 20 km”. But this was just an extra 1km and brought us into the village along the upper sendero.
Ellen and John decided not to go on the extension and we arranged to meet them in a bar up by the church.
When we arrived in Nigúelas we looked everywhere for the pair, we searched uphill and down dale, they were nowhere to be found. In the end we abandoned our search, there were more important things on our minds, we needed coffee. As most of the bars were still closed, we were left with the choice of the ice cream bar with no waiters, or the bar with the miserable owner. We settled on the ice cream bar and Antonia and Fernando took on the job of waitresses. I tell you, put Fernando in a short skirt and he would make a fortune in tips.
After coffee as we walking through the village we found the two lost souls, they had been sat inside a bar, we never thought to look inside for them.
From here the footpath is all downhill back to Murchas, well, nearly all downhill, there is a very small bump you have go up and then a high speed level section alongside the acequia. By now the temperature had started to rise and everyone was keen to get home to some shade.
An enjoyable easy walk.
We walked 14.9 km and climbed 387 metres