Walk Sunday 19 August 2018 Barranco de la Luna
This week our chill out walk was a short one, in the barranco de la Luna. Up until a few years ago this did not exist, well truth be known, it existed but no one knew about it. Now the whole world knows about it and they will be selling tickets soon to visit it.
I was amazed at the number of people in our group (24) + 1 dog.
The walk is in the most incredible barranco, at this time of the year the water in the river is not deep, just enough to ensure you get wet.
By the time we were heading back to the cars there appeared to be thousands of people heading down to the river, I am glad we went early.
I am pleased to report no one fell in the river, everyone except Tim and Helga’s dog enjoyed it.
After the walk we stopped off at Los Nos for drinks.
We walked a bit and climbed a bit, but not much.