Walk Sunday 16 September 2018 El Padul

This week our season of disaster walks continued.
 We had no specific walk planned for Sunday due to a poor, constantly changing weather forecast. The idea was that we would meet in Cozvijar and plan something to fit in with the weather.
 With rain due in the afternoon it was decided to walk from the garage to the laguna de Padul
 The walk is all on hard, dry tracks, useful after all the rain we have had, and we could make detours to various bars if conditions deteriorated.
   It was a beautiful morning as we made our way across to the Mamut interpretation centre near to Padul, it was closed. Fortunately for us the zoo was open and there was a friendly Mamut in the petting area, along with a Saber Tooth Tiger.
From here we walked alongside of the laguna, past the whomping willow tree. Finding a nice shaded area we stopped for a mid morning snack then walked back across the flat lands to the site of the old Roman road. In Roman times, before the laguna was drained, this road would have been a great place for a paseo alongside the water's edge. Now I must say the Romans had not got their act together when they built this road, it twists and turns and is as rough as old boots, in stark contrast to the beautiful, smooth, arrow straight ones they built for us in the UK. Who said “What did the Romans ever do for us”?
 Getting down from the Roman road was when disaster happened. Like a lightning bolt I was struck down, well actually, I fell off a wall and ended up in a heap on the ground. Medical attention was quickly applied by friends and we made our way back to the cars. After stopping for refreshment at the Repsol garage I made my way home, hoping Olwyn would not notice the cuts, bruising and bandages down my arm. By Monday morning my wrist was swollen and hurting so I was carted off to the hospital in Granada where the prognosis was the wrist needed a pot to immobilise it. Olwyn wanted them to put me a full body plaster to limit any further adventures.

We walked 11.6 km, climbed 83 metres and fell 1 metre.


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