Cold and wet

Hello from a cold and wintry Lecrin Valley
What a difference a week makes, last weekend we were all out enjoying the sun, this week we were huddled around Arthur's fire. The planned walk up Silleta had to be postponed for logistical reasons, and the replacement walk to Monachil was cancelled when it started to snow on Saturday afternoon, by Sunday the Valley was under a blanket of snow. To keep spirits up the tapa club met at Arthur's house, Bob delighted us all when he turned up in a pair of bright red trousers. His excuse was because of the snow on the ground he would warm his salopetts up ready for a day on the slopes on Monday. An excellent afternoon was had by all.
The walk this coming Sunday is a new one for the group but follows a path, first discovered by Nick and Carol using Google Earth. The walk starts off above Durcal and follows the line of the Hydro Electric pipe up the hill to the summit of Penon de Granada then continuing along the ridge before dropping back down the Baranco de la Rambla.
The walk involves some 700 meters of climbing and should take about 4 hours but because we have not done this before no guarantees can be given. At this stage we will give the walk a category of hard.
Meet at 9.30 outside the Acropolis bar in Mondujar. Hopefully by then the weather will have returned to normal.
A rumour circulating around the valley this week, and this will come as a shock to Mark's new wife, is that Mark used to be a ballet dancer. At the moment this has been strongly denied.


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