Alhama De Granada Mushroom hunt

Dear limper
What a wonderful day we had this last Sunday, when we went looking for mushrooms. After what had been a pretty poor week, with heavy cloud and a lot of wind, Sunday was a stunner whilst on the cool side, some of the mushrooms we were picking came ready frozen, the sky was a deep blue and the sun shone all day. Our destination for our forage was the area around Casa forestal el Robledal Alta near Alhama de Granada. And now that the Padul/ Otiva road is resurfaced the drive there is an absolute delight. When we arrived at the carpark it was obvious that we were not the only ones out for a free meal, as all over the forest you could see people with their heads down shuffling about intent on looking for the prized Niscalo. This particular mushroom is quite difficult to spot as it tends to grow under moss and pine needles and proved elusive to the Brits in the group, who had to settle for second best with Blewits. Meanwhile Quina had wondered off to another area of the forest and returned, triumphant with her basket overflowing with the Niscalo (Lactarius Delicisus). On our way into the forest we had passed a restaurant called the " Pato Loco " so it was decided that with a name like that it had to be good to survive, and it was. It will now feature in future trips to this area. On our return to Padul we were invited to Quina's house for tea and refreshment.
The walk this coming Sunday the 17th December will take us back to Monachil for the usual walk up the gorge which takes about 3 hours and is classed suitable for Olwyn. Please meet outside the Acropolis bar in Mondujar at 9.30. Afterwards we return to Margaret's house in Murchas for tapa.
At the time of writing, no forager has reported in sick, mind you if they had died they wouldn't would they
Have a good week