Sunday 3rd December

Dear Limper
Our planned walk this last Sunday, was supposed to be up above Cumbres Verde, which had been postponed from the week before due to low cloud. After a week of bright blue skies we were all looking forward to the rescheduled walk only to have our hopes dashed when we awoke Sunday morning after heavy over night rain, to find there was once again heavy grey skies over the Sierra Nevada Mountains. With the promise of sunshine down in the Happy Valley, we chose again to cancel the walk to Cumbre Verde which translates into Green Hilltop no doubt because it always appears to be wet up there. So after a delayed start due to our rescheduled destination we all set off for Beznar and a walk around the reservoir. Once again with a mixed bag of Nationalities, Dutch, English, French, Spanish and 4 dogs.I think we will have to change our name to LVL International. The only thing is me and Arthur aren't half getting some funny looks as we shepherd our flock of mujeres around. The walk is a pleasant one as it meanders around the lake edge, the only sting in the tail coming right at the end, is the climb back up into Chite. The Noche Azul was the planned finishing point with it's reputation for excellent tapa, particularly on a Sunday, where I am assured the roast pork is the finest in the valley. Unfortunately this Sunday, Miguel was not too keen to show off his culinary delights and so after one drink we said our good byes and headed off to Paco's bar in Cozvijar, where we felt sure a warm welcome and excellent service would await us. It must have been National Grumpy bar owners day, or something, because the only time he smiled was when we said goodbye.
Our outing this coming Sunday is a little bit different, because we are going to go on a mushroom foraging expedition to Jayena. Quina knows the area and has a good knowledge of what is good to eat, afterwards when we return to Padul it is intended that we go to the fiesta there and sample the food and drink on offer.
If you want to go on the walk please meet in the car park at Suspiro del Moro at 9.30 Sunday morning, bring a sharp knife and a bag to put your mushrooms in. The last time I went looking for ceps Quina and I came back with about 2 kilos. Please note what you pick and eat is your responsibility no death or injury claims will be accepted.