Rio Dilar

Dear All
The weather in the valley this past week has been decidedly mixed. A typically English summer week, wet, cold, and the odd burst of sunshine. So it was with fingers crossed that a last minute decision was made to go ahead with the planned excursion up the Rio Dilar. We set off with a total of 5 cars in a convoy but as the inevitable happens with so many cars we lost one along the way. They eventually reappeared saying that they liked Dilar so much they thought it would be nice to go around it twice. In true Limper tradition 12 started the walk, but we had 2 with gammy knees in the group, so after about 1 hour of walking, and a number of river crossings, 6 members decided to turn back. I think the real reason was, they were afraid they would miss the 3pm start of the tapa party. The remaining 6 in the group continued on for a further hour, but with the clouds getting lower, or the path getting higher, and a definite chance that they would miss the 3pm start of the tapa party, we reluctantly decided to turn around and head back, arriving in Chite with 2 minutes to spare. I always had a sneaking suspicion that it was more the tapa than the walk that lay behind the success of the group, and this week proved the theory when an extra 10 members turned up for tapa, citing reasons, ranging from the a 10 am start is too early to I had to take the wife to Granada market. Thanks to everyone for the wonderful food and to Pat and Val for hosting the do.
The walk this Sunday the 11th of February is a local walk in the Loma de Murchas and is suitable for everyone. The walk starts in Murchas and heads up to a acequias which it then follows on a wide level track, if we have got the weather and the timings correct the views over the Lecrin valley are outstanding and the Almond blossom should be out. After about 2 km the acequias disappears and the path heads up hill for a little while, it is at this point the group can split with the dodgy knee brigade returning the way they came while the rest continue up and over the Loma de Murchas.
There is no tapa arranged this week, but refreshments will be available in local bars.
Meet outside Margaret's house (just over the bridge) in Murchas at 10 am.