Padul and the Roman Road

Dear all
After a week of bitter cold temperatures, snow and heavy rain, it was with some trepidation that we set off on our Sunday walk under heavy grey skies accompanied by a strong head wind, which eventually worked in our favour by blowing the clouds away, leaving us all sweating under the multi layers of clothing that we were all wearing. The walk eventually started from the centre of Padul, after a misunderstanding as to where we were supposed to meet, and set off across the unbelievable flat farm land that was once the bed of a lagoon. As soon as you arrive at the other side, the banking surrounding the lagoon rises steeply and it was amongst this jumble of rocks that the remains of a Roman road could be found. This is not a sample of the long, straight, well constructed Roman roads that you can still find in Britain. This is a track that you would have trouble getting a challenger tank down, never mind a horse and cart, The good people of Padul must have made a fortune from the cart repair shops that must have lined this road. It is also the source of the incredible clear water from the Fuente Mal Nombre. A little bit further along the track, after stopping to admire some Campo land and a small vine yard, we were invited by the owner to sample his home made wine. The hospitality of the local Spanish people never ceases to amaze me, he even apologised for not having any tapa for us. Whilst returning to Padul we stopped off at the waterfowl park which now consists of a number of hides amongst the reed beds, unfortunately it must have been siesta time because there were only a couple of coots swanning about.
The after walk tapa club was held at Quina's Casa in Padul, and we were joined by some members who had been unable to make the walk this week. In total some 15 people sat down for an excellent lunch. Thank you to Quina for organising an excellent day out.
The walk this coming Sunday the 4th February is in the Rio Dilar, this is by special request for Val's birthday who is ## this year. For anybody who has not done this walk before it is a wonderful walk in a wooded valley, with the path cris- crossing the river a number of times. Because there is a chance that you might get your feet wet if the river level is up a bit, a good idea I have seen is a couple of strong plastic bags to slip over your shoes whilst crossing the river. The walk is classed suitable for Olwyn and should take about 2 hours. Please note, times for walks are estimated,and don't account for unplanned diversions The tapa club will convene at Val and Pat's house in Chite afterwards, usual tapa rules apply. If you are going on the walk either meet at the Acropolis Bar, Mondujar at 10 am, or just off the Otura motorway junction, near to the Santa Clara golf sign, at 10.20