Lanjaron to Mondújar

Dear all
What a glorious day we had on Sunday, for our walk from Lanjaron to Mondujar. The sun shone all day, and as a change from the last two walks there was no wind. The walk sets off from Lanjaron and for the first hour follows the GR7 track towards Nigúelas, then, just as you start to get fed up of the up hill trek, it branches off on a little track that twists and turns its way across the hillside towards Mondujar. You can tell from the photo that the temperature was quite high by the fact everybody headed for the shade when we had a coffee stop. Water was a problem on this walk, but with judicious sharing of scarce resources everyone survived. The tapa club reconvened at Josettes' house afterwards. Alan, who arrived back in the valley during the week, put in a guest appearance. Having returned from India with a bad foot he was unable to do the walk, and there was me thinking that the A team walks would be starting again. Once again thanks to everyone for a good day out and an excellent tapa.
The walk this coming Sunday, the 11th March, is in the Sierra de Huétor parque natural, on the Guadix road out of Granada. If you have not been to this area before I can highly recommend it, the views of the Sierra Nevada, particularly at this time of the year when they are still covered in snow, are wonderful. The walk is a new one for the group, having previously been surveyed by the A team last year and classified suitable for general release, it is not difficult and the paths are good, it climbs about 200 meters over something like 8 km. with one very short steep ascent (it is not a problem). The total length of the walk is 12 km and should take about 4.5 hours. If you are going, meet at the Acropolis in Mondujar at 9 am, we then have about an hours car journey to the start of the walk. Tapa will be held at Annie's house in Mondujar. afterwards.