Latest update for 1st April walk
8.30 pm Friday 30th March
The weather forecast is not looking good for Sunday, heavy rain. If the weather is dry but cloudy we can do the Monachil walk and then go on to Colin and Lesley's for tapa, so meet at 9 am in Nigúelas. If it is raining and the walks are cancelled, the tapa will still be on, so meet in Nigúelas at 1 pm. Check this site for the latest information.
The weather forecast is not looking good for Sunday, heavy rain. If the weather is dry but cloudy we can do the Monachil walk and then go on to Colin and Lesley's for tapa, so meet at 9 am in Nigúelas. If it is raining and the walks are cancelled, the tapa will still be on, so meet in Nigúelas at 1 pm. Check this site for the latest information.