Walk to Siletta

Dear Limper
It was with a sinking feeling in my heart that the group met this week in Nigúelas, for our Sunday walk. We had just finalised our transport arrangements for our onward journey to Padul, when a coach carrying some 50 people arrived, and began disgorging hikers. I know the emails get widely distributed, but this was taking it too far, had they brought tapa? Would Deborah have enough glasses? It now appears that it was a rival group from Armilla, who go for long hard walks, and then go home, because they don’t do tapa! Our walk this week took us up the cruz Altaya above Padul which takes about 1.5 hours of gentle uphill plodding, where we stopped for breakfast. Some in the party were hoping that this would be the extent of our uphill exertions, but in true Limper tradition, there is always another hill to climb. Another 1.5 hours of steady walking, including a search and rescue stop when 2 members wandered off in the wrong direction, they were found chattering away, with not a care in the world, led us on the top of Siletta the goal of this weeks walk. Whilst the weather had been ideal for our up hill excursion, the clouds were building up over the Sierras and with our experience, built up over the last few weeks, of clouds meaning rain we had a short lunch break before heading off back to Padul and the awaiting tapa back at Deborah’s in Nigúelas. Once again the food beat anything available anywhere and finished off an excellent days walk.
The weather forecast for the coming week is once again poor with rain promised for most days. With this in mind our walk for next Sunday the 22nd of April is a coastal walk from Salobrena. It is not one we have done before and is straight out of the guide book. The route description is that it is 13.76km long involves climbing 235 metres, has a maximum uphill gradient of 5.4%, difficulty low and takes 4 hours. Who says I don’t give accurate descriptions. Tapa is arranged at John and Sandra’s and will take place whatever the weather. If you are going on the walk meet at the car park in Nigúelas at