Walk 15th April, Siletta

Dear all
Can I just mention, before you read this newsletter, that the behaviour by one member this week at the tapa party was totally reprehensible, more will be said about this later.
Our walk this Sunday found us heading for Conchar, in what turned out to be the only decent day we have had for a fortnight. When the sun finally reappeared it caught everyone unawares, and we had to discard the multiple layers of clothing we have become accustomed to wearing. The walk followers the course of the Rio Durcal and is an absolute delight as it meanders in and out of bamboo tunnels and crosses rickety little bridges. We have been unable to do this walk for the last 9 months, because the bridges were swept away in a storm last June. But they have now been restored, and the walk can once again be classed as one of the best short walks in the valley. We had split the walk up into 2 sections with the first part finishing at los Naranjos in Melegis, where refreshment was taken on the terrace, and where some members of the group returned to Chite by car and the rest had a mystery tour of Melegis before returning to Chite via footpaths. Before Tapa could commence the cars had to be recovered from Conchar, and not wanting to get stuck into the food and the wine before all the drivers had returned, myself and a number of other walkers had agreed to stay at our house until little John, who was acting as Taxi driver, returned. The round trip should have taken about 30 minutes, so we became increasing worried when after 1 hour they had not reappeared. After a number of telephone calls, it was established that not only had he not called for us ( he claims he had rung the door bell ) but he was into his second glass of beer and was eating a plate full of tapa. This is his first walk with the group since his return from the UK, and it is not how we expect a fellow Limper to behave. I won't say any more(!) but if he does it again he's out. A big thank you to Pat and Val for the venue and to everyone for the food which was delicious.
Our walk this Sunday the 15th April, is a bit longer and harder than we have run for the past few weeks. It is a circular walk from Padul and involves climbing up Siletta, the mountain range behind Padul. Whilst the walk is not difficult it does involve climbing about 700 metres and takes about 2 hours going up and 3 hours to come down. but if you are of reasonable fitness it is no problem. Tapa will be taken at Deborah's house in NigĂșelas on our return around 3pm. If you want to go on the walk meet at the car park in NigĂșelas at 9am. before we drive to the start of the walk in Padul. Please note bring sufficient water, and boots are recommended for this walk.
Over the last few months a number of you have been receiving some emails that are unreadable ( I know a lot of you say they are full of garbage anyway) but this has been caused by outlook express having difficulty handling about 50 emails at once. also a lot of people with Hotmail accounts have not received anything in the last week. In an effort to overcome these problems, this, and subsequent emails will be sent using my holidaysingranada@gmail.com address
If you are having difficulty picking emails up try the blog site which should have any up to date changes to the itinerary listed. Limpers blog
http://lecrinlimpers.blogspot.com/ this site also contains links to another photo site of walks we have done.
Walk photos on view at flickr
Can I finish by thanking everyone back in the UK who wrote to express the sorrow they felt for us stuck here having a cold and wet Easter whilst they basked in our sunshine. I also must be having trouble receiving emails because my "sympathy in box" remains empty.
Have a good week
Can I just mention, before you read this newsletter, that the behaviour by one member this week at the tapa party was totally reprehensible, more will be said about this later.
Our walk this Sunday found us heading for Conchar, in what turned out to be the only decent day we have had for a fortnight. When the sun finally reappeared it caught everyone unawares, and we had to discard the multiple layers of clothing we have become accustomed to wearing. The walk followers the course of the Rio Durcal and is an absolute delight as it meanders in and out of bamboo tunnels and crosses rickety little bridges. We have been unable to do this walk for the last 9 months, because the bridges were swept away in a storm last June. But they have now been restored, and the walk can once again be classed as one of the best short walks in the valley. We had split the walk up into 2 sections with the first part finishing at los Naranjos in Melegis, where refreshment was taken on the terrace, and where some members of the group returned to Chite by car and the rest had a mystery tour of Melegis before returning to Chite via footpaths. Before Tapa could commence the cars had to be recovered from Conchar, and not wanting to get stuck into the food and the wine before all the drivers had returned, myself and a number of other walkers had agreed to stay at our house until little John, who was acting as Taxi driver, returned. The round trip should have taken about 30 minutes, so we became increasing worried when after 1 hour they had not reappeared. After a number of telephone calls, it was established that not only had he not called for us ( he claims he had rung the door bell ) but he was into his second glass of beer and was eating a plate full of tapa. This is his first walk with the group since his return from the UK, and it is not how we expect a fellow Limper to behave. I won't say any more(!) but if he does it again he's out. A big thank you to Pat and Val for the venue and to everyone for the food which was delicious.
Our walk this Sunday the 15th April, is a bit longer and harder than we have run for the past few weeks. It is a circular walk from Padul and involves climbing up Siletta, the mountain range behind Padul. Whilst the walk is not difficult it does involve climbing about 700 metres and takes about 2 hours going up and 3 hours to come down. but if you are of reasonable fitness it is no problem. Tapa will be taken at Deborah's house in NigĂșelas on our return around 3pm. If you want to go on the walk meet at the car park in NigĂșelas at 9am. before we drive to the start of the walk in Padul. Please note bring sufficient water, and boots are recommended for this walk.
Over the last few months a number of you have been receiving some emails that are unreadable ( I know a lot of you say they are full of garbage anyway) but this has been caused by outlook express having difficulty handling about 50 emails at once. also a lot of people with Hotmail accounts have not received anything in the last week. In an effort to overcome these problems, this, and subsequent emails will be sent using my holidaysingranada@gmail.com address
If you are having difficulty picking emails up try the blog site which should have any up to date changes to the itinerary listed. Limpers blog
Walk photos on view at flickr
Can I finish by thanking everyone back in the UK who wrote to express the sorrow they felt for us stuck here having a cold and wet Easter whilst they basked in our sunshine. I also must be having trouble receiving emails because my "sympathy in box" remains empty.
Have a good week